What I Love About Shopping Pre-owned Vintage Bags

Almost every woman in the planet is fascinated with fashion. We are a natural when it comes to clothing and accessories. But among all the fashion items available in the market, I am very much in love with bags. Oh, and it’s not just any kinds of bags. I am in loved with designer bags, those authentic vintage handbags from renowned stylists and are one of a kind. There was an episode when I was into vintage clothing as well. But in Singapore, fashion is a really diverse trend. So, instead, I become more into bags.


Since I am born a queen, I really cannot afford to buy authentic vintage handbags fresh from the shelves. So, that’s when I discovered about the online stores that sells pre-owned authentic handbags. At first, I wasn’t really sure if it was the best way to go, considering that maybe the quality may be not be that good or I may not know if it’s really a legit brand. But then I find The Fifth Collection.


They have a collection of vintage clothing in Singapore, as well as designer handbags that are pretty fab for their price! Your shopaholic side with feast from prestige brands such as LV, Chanel, Hermes, and whole lot more. What I love the most about their items is that it doesn’t look and feel like it is pre-owned. The items are of high quality and they carefully stored. And the best thing about it? They deliver right on my doorstep.


That’s one of the best reasons why I love to shop online. It’s so convenient. From the searching of your preferred pre-owned authentic handbags and clothing, up to putting it in your cart, and down to the delivery, everything is set based on your own convenience. And that’s what I love about Fifth Collection, too! They have a world-class service and they never compromise the quality of their products and their customer service. And, take note, all their items from luxury bags to vintage clothing are free shipping not just in Singapore but also worldwide.


Another thing I love online shopping is the variety. You will not be stuck with whatever is only available in the stores. The selection of items are very wide that you it’s unique. What I mean is that it’s close to impossible for you to find of the same style like on the fashion stores. I know it is worst when you suddenly bumped to someone on the street with the same clothes as you; but seeing someone with the same bag or shoes is also not a good feeling. That’s why I find it more rewarding to buy authentic vintage handbags on online stores like the Fifth Collection, because there’s a lesser chance that someone else has it too.


They actually source their items from professional resellers worldwide, that’s why you can count on its good quality and authenticity. You are also sure of the condition of the items. You wouldn’t find faulty or damaged pre-owned authentic handbags from them because they make that it’s in complete acceptable condition.

And as for the price? Well, it’s really worth it. Because of the quality of the products that they sell online, you’re paying the price that is just appropriate. The delivery is free and there are no hidden charges that will surprise you once the package arrives.


Lastly, although I haven’t experience it yet, they have a return policy if you are not satisfied with the authentic vintage handbags that you will receive. So, it’s really cost effective.


Online shopping stores like the Fifth Collection gave way for bag enthusiasts like us who doesn’t have that much money the opportunity to own designer vintage bags in the most affordable and convenient way possible. And because of that, I will never stop doing it.

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